Hello there!

▫️Name's Ale
▫️They/them pronouns
▫️Bilingual (english/español)
▫️21 years old
▫️Autistic + chronically ill
▫️ENTP (yea fr)
⚠️ Tone tags are much appreciated!!!
▫️If I say anything that comes off weird / awkward lmk!!! Being autistic online is hard. Feel free to sb / block.

A collection of stuff I enjoy...

A.k.a. Feel free to DM if you ever wanna talk about these, but be warned I may not shut up

▫️AR 57 on NA server
▫️Fischl, Mona and Qiqi are always in my team but I tend to swap who I use as dps (mostly Hu Tao or Xiao, Venti sometimes)

I will never be over harumichi
they're ICONIC 💚💙

Lacie my beloved
Alyss apologist till the day I die
I miss Xerxes...

All of the Project Zero games, love them. A lot.
Yes, all, including the 4th. I loved Mask of the Lunar Eclipse I don't know why people act like it didn't exist 😭

D.N.I. if...

  • Basic criteria: if you are racist, antisemitic, islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic, a p3do, D.N.I. Fuck off.

  • If you think bullying or harassing people online over ships / art / likes / dislikes is ok. It's not.

  • If you are under 16 yo, sorry kids, I'm an adult and I often talk about adult stuff... and it does make me uncomfortable to have to watch over someone else's kids.

  • ⚠️ I may (rarely do) like/rt nsfw stuff so if that makes you uncomfortable, dni

  • ⚠️ Yes I do swear every so often, if that makes you uncomfortable, dni.